It’s Friday I’m In Love: Tenderly Recap

Summer Anne Burton


4 min readJul 12, 2019


Hi friends and followers of Tenderly, the new radical + friendly vegan magazine on Medium. We’ve been alive for five whole days, and we’ve seen so much. The loving response our stories has received is a natural high that is going to carry us through this weekend.

By the way, we publish new stories every day, so if you’re bored on Sunday morning check in for our weekend drop, including a guide to throwing the perfect summer dinner party, and what might be the world’s simplest and best way to make an avocado taste even better. To keep an even closer eye on everything we publish, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram.

In the meantime, let’s get through the last hours of “not the weekend” together with some incredible stories we were lucky to share with you this week.

Salsa Verde: An Illustrated Recipe by Jef Harmatz

Salsa verde — otherwise known as green salsa or tomatillo salsa — is easily one of the tastiest substances on the planet. As a condiment or centerpiece, salsa verde’s bold, tangy, and spicy flavors taste so, so good with just about anything!

The Animal Rights Activists of Occupied Palestine by Jasmine Owens

“I believe building a strong human being will come from taking care of the weak among us, whether they are human or non-human animals. There are many issues in Palestinian society — oppression of women, animals, people of lower social status… We need to deal with all these issues, and build people who can face the occupation as strong human beings. For me, it’s one cause.”

I Biked 2,200 Miles Through Southeast Asia by Julia Reynolds

This past winter I spent thirty days cycling just over 2,200 miles through Southeast Asia. Unsurprisingly, the experience was incredible and transformative in many ways. Less expectedly, at times the levels of physical, mental and emotional exertion were nearly overwhelming, as well as the oft-daunting searches for vegetarian nourishment. I weighed adhering to strict vegetarianism with causing offense or not eating at all. Ultimately, the nourishment was brought back to me tenfold, as pockets of kindness, hospitality and generosity opened along a trail through mountains, bucolic villages and hot, dusty provincial towns. Sprinkled like hidden jewels, these moments left me humbled, gratified and more in love with Southeast Asia than ever before.

Should Vegans Eat Honey? by Jay Summer

Famous plant-based physician and best-selling author Michael Greger, M.D. once argued that this hardline stance against honey “is hurting [veganism] as a movement” because it’s illogical. He argues that if vegans consider insects animals, then all non-organic produce is also not vegan. “Killing bugs is what pesticides do best,” Greger wrote.

What Vegans Actually Eat by Holly Amos

The truth is, there are millions of vegan grazing occasions that don’t make it to Instagram. Mostly because they’re unappealing, like the cereal from a dispenser at a continental breakfast. Or the already-sticky jelly packets at a continental breakfast.

Jackfruit: The King of India by Joanna Lobo

In India, getting a jackfruit home is an event. The day is planned in advance. A space is cleared out, paper spread on the floor, windows opened to let out the smell and a bottle of coconut oil kept handy. The guest of honor arrives in style — from the garden, the market, or as a gift — weighing down the person carrying it.

There’s so much more on Tenderly’s homepage — we published over 30 stories this week, from vegan vibrators to shelter dog reviews. If you like these stories, you can support us by reading, sharing, and telling your friends. Thanks for being here,





Published in Tenderly

A vegan magazine that’s hopefully devoted to delicious plants, liberated animals, and leading a radical, sustainable, joyful life

Summer Anne Burton
Summer Anne Burton

Written by Summer Anne Burton

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Tenderly. Former BuzzFeed exec. Moomin. Texan. Vegan for the animals. 💕

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