Why I Buy Dog Toys for My Cats

If you have super playful cats, you should, too

Arabella Breck
Published in
Jul 31, 2020


A striped tabby kitten lying on a gray fabric sofa, playing with a dog toy shaped like a ring of multicolored keys.
Kosmo playing with his favorite dog toy. Photo: Arabella Breck

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I buy dog toys for my cats.

Why? Well, a better question is why not? And why do dog toys have to be just for the dogs of the world, anyway? My cats genuinely seem to love playing with dog toys more, plus dog toys hold up much better than most cat toys to the extreme wear and tear caused by two very playful cats.

My partner and I have gotten dog toys for our cat Kiara for years now, but this came up again because our new kitten Kosmo is teething and literally chewed right through a tiny kitten teething toy the first day he had it. That little toy really did not have a chance. So, we decided to get him a puppy teething toy instead, which he loves, and has not chewed through!

Dog toys have proven time and time again to be more sturdy and long-lasting for our cats. Especially because Kiara and Kosmo are indoor cats, the vast array of different kinds of dog toys helps make sure they have a variety of fun things to play with and are mentally stimulated and happy.

Here are three of my cats’ favorite dog toys that I recommend for your playful feline friends:

1. Crinkle toys



Arabella Breck

queer writer + editor from the southwest, living in the midwest.