Feminists Should Care About What Happens to Dairy Cows
Don’t get defensive now; open your mind and listen
It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I considered myself a feminist. Equal rights among all individuals and living beings were never something that crossed my mind in my day-to-day life.
It’s shameful yet truthful. I attribute that to a lot of things—ignorance mostly, the blind privilege behind my “whiteness,” but most profoundly to me, the inability to justify the process demanded to get my food to the table.
So why should feminists stop consuming dairy? There are a lot of various definitions and subsets of what feminism actually is. Most of them focus on advocating for women’s rights and fighting for equality of the sexes.
Some meanings are tailored towards political, social, or economic aspects of feminism. If you believe you are a feminist, I’m sure things like sex trafficking, rape, domestic abuse, female genital mutilation, and maybe even circumcision are just a few injustices that make your blood boil.
My question to you: Should our disapproval of these practices and crimes remain unacceptable only when it involves our own species? Why or why not?