Member-only story
How One Small Act of Kindness Changed My Life
I do believe, as we are traveling through life—experiencing all the ups and downs, all the challenging situations and fleeting moments of pure magic—that we can subconsciously react in one of two ways.
We can choose to accept the difficult moments as a necessity, to keep the polar harmony, the yin and yang of existence. We can view these trials as opportunities to learn about ourselves, to grow stronger. And we can turn our focus more toward the little moments of magic. Those moments of serendipity and trust that always seem to show their face at the exact moment needed.
Or we can go the other way. We can become worn down by the difficult times. We can stop putting in effort and taking chances, out of fear for the hard time that may follow. We can become consumed with pessimism and negativity, seeing the world and its inhabitants, as a dark place, and risk losing sight of those precious magical moments.
Now even though I see it as my life purpose to embrace every situation, good and bad, and grow and learn from it as much possible, as much as magic and serendipity is the food that my soul feeds on, I must admit, I am only human.
I too catch myself out sometimes, my trust eroded down by the waves of life…