Double rainbow over Brihuega lavender fields in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. Photo: Juan Lopez Ruiz

🌈 Open for a double rainbow

Arabella Breck
Published in
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2 min readDec 10, 2020


Hi Tenderly pals!

Just wanted to start off by saying how grateful I am that you (yes, you!) are here and decided to open this newsletter and check out some things from Tenderly and beyond this week. Putting together this newsletter has been a bright spot for me lately, so I’m thankful for your interest and support!

From tofu pie to a delicious gift guide to stunning nature photos, here’s what I recommend checking out this week:

  • I grew up eating A LOT of silken tofu chocolate pudding, so this recent story really spoke to me. Blending silken tofu up in order to create a creamy dessert is one of those things that sounds like only a vegan could love. But it works perfectly every time!
Photo: Alicia Kennedy
  • Rice bowls, spaghetti, sandwiches, oh my!!! Our Tenderly friends have been cooking all this and more and shared some mouth-watering photos with us. Give them some love and add your own pics to the thread 😍😍😍
  • The results of the Epson 2020 Pano Awards for best panoramic photographs are truly stunning. Each photo (including the double rainbow photo at the top of this newsletter!!!) is a testament to the grandeur, majesty, and variety of the natural world.
  • If you’re looking for delicious vegan gifts to give this holiday season, look no further! On this list, we’ve got places that will send vegan brie, chocolates, tamales, babka, and more right to your door.
  • Food writer and cookbook author Priya Krishna published an excellent piece this week on the many dietitians who have begun speaking out and reimagining the practice in a more inclusive way. (BTW you can follow #TenderlyReads on Twitter to find more of what we’re reading these days)
  • And don’t forget to stay hydrated 🪴
Via @plantporn on Twitter

Talk soon,


Have suggestions for our next newsletter? Story ideas? Cute animal photos? Recipe recs? Send any and all to 💌💌💌



Arabella Breck

queer writer + editor from the southwest, living in the midwest.