My Mom Let Me Go Vegetarian

She wasn’t sure if she had done the right thing, but her choice became one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received

Phoenix Huber
Published in
6 min readMay 10, 2020


Photo: ESB Professional/Shutterstock

“Mom, can I go vegetarian?”

My latest out-of-the-blue request was instigated by a squid dissection in our sixth-grade science class.

Appreciation for animals had been with me since I was a toddler. From the books our parents read us, to watching wildlife documentaries, to playing fetch-the-orange with Maxwell, our yellow Labrador.

It wasn’t until that lifeless squid stared up at me from atop the creaky school desk that I saw things in a new way. Science education mattered, but I sure wouldn’t want my life to be taken for it. What other unchosen sacrifices were animals making for me?

We learned a new vocabulary word in class — calamari, meaning squid meat. The connection between my food and the animals’ slaughter became too painfully apparent. My mom and dad had taught me to practice the Golden Rule, and I thought that this should apply to animals too.

She said yes!

I asked my mom if I could go vegetarian, and she said yes.

The last time I ate meat still glistens in my memory. It was my mom’s Brunswick Stew, a recipe…




Published in Tenderly

A vegan magazine that’s hopefully devoted to delicious plants, liberated animals, and leading a radical, sustainable, joyful life

Phoenix Huber
Phoenix Huber

Written by Phoenix Huber

Animal advocate. Personal coach for highly sensitive heroes, here to help marginalized or misunderstood people feel magical.

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