Love You, Tenderly
Friends of Tenderly,
We’ve been lucky enough to be Tues-stepping into our second week of publishing on Medium. Since our last update, we’ve learned about the history of margarine, what it’s like to grow up never eating animals, and how to make the ripe avocado sitting on your counter right now taste even better than, you know, just eating it straight with a fork (also good).
If you’d like to keep up with us every day (we’re fun, we promise), follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram. Meanwhile, here are just a few of our highlights from the last few days:
I’ve Never Eaten Animals by Elizabeth Sulis Kim
I was always close to animals, particularly our cats who felt more like sisters. I also prised mice and voles from their mouths and rescued little birds who fell from their nests. I once returned a beached fish to the sea and worried about it for weeks.
How The Invention of Margarine Disrupted Big Butter by Chris Stokel-Walker
Lobbyists make the world go round, and the story of margarine is thronged with busybodies trying to jostle to tamp down or ramp up margarine’s popularity. Just as big butter’s opposition to margarine was quelled by the realities of war, scientific innovation gave the world the hydrogenation of vegetable oil, allowing soy bean farmers to turn their crop into the raw material to make this newly-popular product.
The Care and Feeding of Your New Vegan by Megan Rascal
Veganism is not about perfection, it’s about doing what you can to reduce suffering. The truth is, none of us can live completely devoid of causing harm. From ants you accidentally step on to the doomed mice in a crop field, some things can’t reasonably be avoided. Trying to discover, wrap your mind around, and constantly remember all the ways humans exploit animals can be overwhelming. So, let your new vegan ease into it all.
The Routine: Eden Hakimzadeh, interview by Jodie Layne
A shower for me is always under 7 minutes. When I was in the first grade, I learned that 7 minutes is what it would take to fill a bathtub, so I feel like I can’t do longer than that. I always listen to music in the shower. My shower playlist now is just the [10-minute-long] song ‘Pyramids’ by Frank Ocean, that’s my song. It slows down at the end and that’s the perfect point to transition into my after-shower routine.
3 + 1 + 1: Za’atar Avocado by Laura Vincent
With something is as rarified and precious as an avocado, there’s nothing wrong with just driving a spoon straight into it. A few embellishments, however, can make it even more of a solitary treat. If you can manage to catch an avocado of your own, you might consider this recipe.
Delicious Bradley #3: Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot by Adam Ellis
The benefits of your friendship are vast and surprising!
And with that, we’re off to get more stories ready for you. Coming later to today: an essay about the Ramones, and an illustrated trip to a MUSHROOM FARM!