I Live With a Killer

The daily dilemma of (vegan) cat-owners

Megan Zholtovski
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2018


The beast after a meal. Photo: Megan Zholtovski

Yes, it’s true. He’s a cold-blooded murderer and sometimes he brings his victims home and takes care of them right before my eyes. He seems to take pleasure in torturing them first, taking plenty of breaks and occasionally getting bored and leaving them to suffer.

When he’s finished, sometimes he’ll eat the whole body and sometimes he’ll leave parts for me to find later. Then, if he’s in a good mood, he’ll curl up in my lap, start purring, and fall into a deep sleep. He’s just the cutest, most lovable vicious killer in the whole world.

I was a vegetarian for many years, and I’ve lived with cats practically my entire life. It wasn’t until my fiancé and I became vegan last year (and brought home a kitten shortly thereafter) that the paradox suddenly became glaringly obvious. We’d just decided to give up eating all animal products and then we knowingly invited a strict carnivore to live with us.

When we made the choice to become vegan we did it for both health reasons and animal-related reasons. Mostly because we couldn’t keep turning a blind eye to the meat and dairy industries that are responsible for so much unnecessary suffering. Becoming vegan made us more aware of our food choices, and we felt good about not being involved in the production of meat or milk…

