How Working at a Petting Zoo Opened My Eyes to Animal Neglect

It wasn’t the way I had remembered it as a child

Patrick Kuklinski
Published in
6 min readApr 21, 2020


Photo: Izabelle Acheson via Unsplash

Growing up, petting zoos were the highlight of any event. I was a shy kid who avoided a lot of unnecessary social interaction, but if someone was having a birthday party with petting zoo animals, you could count me in. Parents always made negative comments, but they were mainly focused on the astronomical prices for handfuls of corn to feed nibbling baby goats or sheep. Years later, when I was offered a position at an educational farm featuring, you guessed it, a large petting zoo, I leapt at the opportunity. Marketed as an educational experience for kids who loved animals, with green pastures and baby chicks and all that good stuff, it was a chance for me to have hands-on time with adorable animals, and to give kids the experiences I loved so much as a child. I went into it with an open heart and mind — and quickly realized I had made a huge mistake. All of the flaws I had been blind to in my youth were blatant and impossible for me to look past. Suddenly, not only did I feel tricked — I felt like I was responsible for animals whose care I couldn’t change. While in past years I’ve seen many (well-deserved) criticisms for roadside zoos with exotic animals, it seems many are still willing to turn a blind eye to the plight of the animals — and people—caught up…

