Learn to Love

How to Stop Being Afraid of Scorpions

Allow me to begin with a confession: I am legitimately terrified of scorpions… so I learned more about them.

Published in
10 min readMay 7, 2020


When I was a kid, some well-meaning relative gifted me a subscription to “Wildlife Fact Files.” I would sit cross-legged on the carpet and leaf happily through the binder, trying to memorize the scientific species names so I could someday impress Jeff Corwin into letting me talk about animals on TV with him. This pastime had a downside, though. Every time I got to the section on scorpions, I would hold it by the edges and flip as fast as I could, squinting my eyes so I could barely see. Deep down, I was afraid that even looking at the picture would somehow summon a scorpion to — I still don’t know… Sting me and everyone I loved?

I’ve gotten a little better since then. I can see a scorpion on TV without feeling a ripple of fear run its way from my tailbone up to the base of my skull. I’ve even held small scorpions at science fairs, their stingers (reportedly) too…



Kat Jercich

Kat is a queer editor and writer living in Chicago. Her Twitter handle is @kjercich.