How to Make Disney’s Vegan Dole Whip at Home

Disney released the cult-favorite recipe so you can transport yourself to the parks anytime

Kayla Voigt
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2020


Photo: Steven Miller via Flickr/CC BY 2.0

I grew up in a house that had rules — and they were reasonable ones. No sugary cereal, no staying up past 10:00 PM, no computer time until after homework was done.

But on vacation, there were no rules.

I remember standing outside the gates for the Tomorrowland Speedway in Magic Kingdom, watching kids crammed into brightly-colored cars bump along the track. The Florida sun made the day muggy already as I bit into the Mickey-shaped bar, chocolate and ice cream dripping down my hand faster than I could slurp it.

It was 9:30 AM.

That was only the first ice cream stop. As we worked our way around Magic Kingdom, we finished up the afternoon in Adventureland. Still singing “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me!” we waited in line at the colorful stand at Aloha Aisle for another round.

What emerged from the dispensers wasn’t ice cream, but a deliciously creamy pineapple treat. Disney has been serving Dole Whip at Walt Disney World since 1986, but on the day I discovered it, it was like what Aladdin sings to Jasmine on a magic carpet ride: a whole new world.



Kayla Voigt

Small town girl looking for adventure in the great wide somewhere. Writer. Eater. Traveler.