Grits, whales, and some very filthy vegenaise
Happy Tuesday,
News from China is that a new strain of swine flu is spreading from pig farms to humans, and needs to be “urgently” controlled before become another pandemic. I have a suggestion: let’s stop putting workers and each other at risk and eat plants instead.
Paddy, Shamus (pictured above), and Nanny, a trio of goats rescued from a petting zoo and now living at R and R Ranch Sanctuary, are the latest subjects of Jessica Scott-Reid’s uplifting and elucidating Sanctuary Stories column. They carry some stress from spending their earliest days being constantly fondled by humans, but they’re learning to relax in their new home, and spreading a message that petting zoos are not happy places.
Laura’s latest recipe is for vegan sausage rolls that only require 3 ingredients (or 5 if you’re feeling fancy). Use your favorite vegan hot dogs or sausages for a perfect party-for-one treat.
Jack’s latest roundup of nature photos is stunning: 13 Breathtaking Photographs That Celebrate Water and Life
Highlighting one great story from the Tenderly archives
A silence filled the room as we contemplated it. It was a filthy idea. Wicked. Unnatural. Unspeakable. But we were desperate. Sean was the first to try it: A large tablespoon went into the inviting Vegenaise jar and came out dripping with the gloopy dressing normally reserved for sandwiches, then dolloped it onto the spaghetti with a satisfying splash. And then it was too late to go back.
— Jack Shepherd, My Filthy Confession: I Put Vegenaise on Everything
Vegan and cruelty-free beauty recs
I got bored with my hair about two weeks into quarantine. I had put off a haircut for months after my wedding last year after months of extra-preening led to salon burnout, and the brown waves I was born with just weren’t doing it for me. By the end of March, I’d cut, bleached, and dyed my hair pink like I was seventeen again. To be honest, I’m pretty happy with it and I may never go back. Although I am reticent to endorse the same for anyone who values looking professional or lives in fear of a bad cut, if you should choose to take this path, I have some recommendations…
- Manic Panic bleach kits. The classic vegan punk brand is still at it, and the packaging is even identical to the kits I bought at Hot Topic 20 years ago. This video includes a nice visual for how to best apply these bleach kits using the included brush and foil.
- Overtone coloring conditioner. This is the game-changer that has made the “vivid color” game a lot less work. You can start with a ‘coloring conditioner’ in the shade(s) you’re looking for and then keep a matching daily conditioner in your shower. No more fade the first time you shampoo or put hot water on your hair — these keep my color from fading at all until I’m ready to change things up. PLUS, it’s a great conditioner that keeps my hair bunny-soft.
- A straight razor. You can find your own favorite (I use this one) but for cutting and trimming my own hair I rely primarily on a straight razor. I like to stare at the photos (and occasion elucidating videos) on Jayne Matthews Instagram for inspiration, and I believe she is offering step by step video chat tutorials for those looking for a bit of hand-holding on their self-cut journeys. You can also look on YouTube for guides to cutting hair with a straight razor. Personally, I like to cut a little and live with it for a few days, then make changes based on how it’s laying after a few showers and sleeps.
A vegan recipe recommendation from the Tenderly archives
Alisha’s vegan and gluten-free cheesy sausage grits: Grits are so underrated. One of my favorite meals of late is a bowl of Barton Springs Mill grits loaded with nooch and Miyoko’s butter, topped with whatever roasted veg I have on hand. For a kid-friendly, family-feeding breakfast feast or breakfast-for-dinner surprise, you can’t beat this baked, smokey, creamy, sausagey grits recipe.