Go ahead, ask me where I get my protein!

Summer Anne Burton
3 min readJun 9, 2020


Tenderly readers,

Thanks for being here. From where we sit, change is happening rapidly all over the world in ways that are both incredibly hopeful and often painful. We at Tenderly are committed to this fight for racial equality, specifically for defunding police and reimagining incarceration, for the long haul, and we are thinking about ways for our coverage to reflect that commitment. We know that we can start by continuing to amplify diverse voices in food, animal rights, and the environmental movement. And we’re also here to help you find joy, sustenance, camaraderie, and a connection to this beautiful planet along the way.

New from Macken: Pangolins Didn’t Cause Coronavirus

Every five minutes, a pangolin is taken from the wild. This means that before you reach the end of this story, some helpless pangolin will be kidnapped for a life of abject misery ending in slaughter.

Arabella bought vegan condensed milk, and after some experimentation, perfected a recipe for Salted Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge (🤤).

Without bats, we wouldn’t have mangos, bananas, or tequila. Also, they’re the only non-human animal known to regularly perform oral sex during reproduction (!!!). Time to give bats the respect they deserve.

How to actually change minds when you are talking to people about veganism, or anything else you might be currently arguing with someone on Facebook about.

Jack has brought us Vegan Problems, Illustrated by Vintage Paperbacks, the most relatable thing I’ve ever read.


Highlighting one great story from the Tenderly archives

Last July Nilina Mason-Campbell visited the cows of Farm Sanctuary in Acton for Tenderly, and learned how unique each cow’s personality really is. Plus they’re wildly adorable. Meet The Cows Who Have A Future.


Tunes from Tenderly HQ

lord have mercy on this land. Just some songs for talkin’ bout a revolution.


A vegan recipe recommendation from the Tenderly archives

Jessie Roth’s Yuba Reuben is the perfect sandwich: juicy, tangy, textural, and satisfying. You’ll need yuba, or tofu skin, to make it — which is a great excuse to visit your local Asian supermarket, if such a thing exists where you are. These stores are full of vegan treasures, from faux-beef to pickled mustard greens. And tofu skin! Such an underrated ingredient, and put to incredible use here in this dream-wich.

Thank you for reading. If you want to support Tenderly, tell your friends to sign up, share our stories, and follow us on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook. ❤

Sending you all love and power,

Summer Anne Burton, Editor-in-Chief of Tenderly



Summer Anne Burton

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Tenderly. Former BuzzFeed exec. Moomin. Texan. Vegan for the animals. 💕