Dear Almost Vegan,
A letter to a younger me, on the last 11 years of veganism
Dear Me,
I’m writing to you from the future, surrounded by marigolds and ferns, nestled on a glowing patio under a Midwest sun. There are picture-perfect blue skies in all directions, and I (you) am sipping an underwhelming, yet perfect cup of dark coffee.
Your first question, naturally, is how did we get to The Midwest? Like anyone who finds their way here, I’m not sure. It just sort of happened. I have a conspiracy theory that the Midwest exists to suck in people who are lost or wandering.
You’re about to go vegan, no? A little conflicted, if I remember correctly? Yes, I know. It shouldn’t seem like a big step from vegetarian — a few extra animal products to cut out. You’ve seen the documentaries, and your best friend, who is also going vegan, has of course done all the research.
So, what’s got your nerves?
Well, that’s what I’m writing to you about. It’s been a journey, and while there plenty of articles you’ll undoubtedly read about the health merits of a plant-based diet and the environmental and ethical reasons to go vegan, you just don’t really know what it’s going to be like. And I mean what it’s really like — not the “I feel amazing and save so many animals a year! Veganism…