50 Vegan Casseroles to Warm Your Belly and Give You Reasons to Live…

Because winter is hard and Pyrex is pretty…

Marla Rose
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2020


Photo: Don O’Brien via Flickr/CC BY 2.0

We passed solstice a month ago but at least in the Northern Hemisphere we are still knee-deep in slushy, cold winter, especially felt by those of us who live in four season climates. What could soothe the shivering soul more than a warm, comforting casserole straight from the oven? To my mind, it is one of the very few pleasures that are specific to winter.

Here are 50 delicious and plant-based casseroles to see you through the cold months ahead. Make one every night and we may survive to spring. Did I do all this just so I could indulge my passion for Pyrex? Not exactly, but looking at the pretty pictures didn’t hurt my mood.

Five Cheesy Casseroles

Photo: Jessica Fiess-Hill via Flickr/CC BY 2.0

